Movement and sale, 95.49
Painted utensils for feeding, 95.235
Poultry dealing regulations, 134.50
Preference in transit, 195.24
Production contracts, 100.04
Right of way when driven on highway, 346.21
Running on highways, penalty, 172.015
Exception from implied warranty, 402.316 (3)
Implied warranty of disease free, 95.195
Semen for artificial insemination, exempt from sales tax, 77.54 (27)
Slaughtering, see Slaughterhouses
Generally, Ch. 170
Abandoned animals, 951.15
Appraisal, filing, fee, 170.03
Charges for keeping, 170.04
Noncompliance with law, effect, 170.06
Notice required, 170.02
Removal, payment to finder, 170.06
Sale, 170.05
Who may take up, 170.01
Damage from trespass by, 90.04
Feeding garbage to, 95.10
Transportation and sale of cattle, 134.53
Truckers, licensing, 95.71
Water quality protection, local regulation of livestock operations, 92.15
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.889
living will LIVING WILL
Generally, Ch. 154
For detailed analysis, see Declaration to Physicians
loan originators and solicitors LOAN ORIGINATORS AND SOLICITORS
loans LOANS
Agricultural development loan guarantee program, 234.907
Agricultural production drought assistance loan guarantees, 234.905
Character, finance charges, 422.201 (3)
Credit unions, 186.098
Disclosure, 138.05 (4), 422.301
Employee ownership assistance grants, 560.16
Escrow, unlawful receipt and retention of deposits, 943.62
Governmentally insured, partial exclusion from consumer act, 421.203
Housing and economic development authority, see Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA)
Indian loan funds, supervision, 224.10
Installment, interest, license, regulation, 138.09
Interest, maximum rate, 138.05
Interlocking consumer loan, 422.408
Life insurance policy loans, interest rates, 632.475
Pawnbrokers, 138.10
Physician and dentist loan assistance program, 560.183
Precomputed and other loans regulated, 138.09
Prepayment, 138.05 (2)
Public utility restriction upon making, 196.525
Redevelopment authority, bonds to finance mortgage loans on owner-occupied dwellings, 66.1333 (5m)
Residential mortgage loans, 138.051, 138.052
Reverse mortgage loans, 138.058
Rural hospital loan guarantee program, 231.35
School districts, from villages, 61.34 (4)
Sharking prohibited, 943.28
State, Ch. 25
Restriction, VIII, 3
Usurious, possession of records, criminal, 943.27
Variable rate loans, 138.056
Deferral of payments and interest, 45.35 (16)
Housing, see Veterans—3. Housing
lobbying LOBBYING
Auditing, 13.74
Authorizations to represent principals, 13.65
Definitions, 13.62
Enforcement of law, 13.69
Ethics board duties, 13.685
Exemptions from law, 13.621
Fees for licensing and filing, 13.75
Floor of chamber restricted, 13.71
Forfeitures, deposited with state treasurer, 778.136
Identification of legislative proposals, rules and topics lobbying for, 13.67
Influencing legislation, 946.17
Insurers, 630.10
Fee, revocation, 13.63
Suspension for failure to file, 13.68 (6)
Penalties, 13.69